
Please tune in to Animal Instinct/Heritage Radio Network

Celia Kutcher of Animal Instinct/Heritage Radio Network will interview me on preventing dog bites to kids specifically, and just about everyone in general

To wrap up Dog Bite Prevention Week, today, May 23rd, Celia Kutcher of Screen Shot 2016-05-23 at 6.47.09 AMAnimal Instinct/Heritage Radio Network will interview me on a topic near and dear to my heart as a dog trainer and mother – preventing dog bites to kids specifically, and just about everyone in general.

We’ll talk about my latest book, “Please Don’t Bite the Baby,” how to prevent dog bites, why dogs bite, if there are any things to look for when bringing a dog into a home with kids, and much more!

Hope you can listen in here 6:00 pm to 6:35pm 5.23.16. And if not, no worries – Animal Instinct is available anytime on the Heritage Radio Network website or iTunes!

Nails part #1

Here is one of my favorite students, Bandit, taking care of his front nails himself on the sanding board. As you can see, he is enjoying himself.

Taking care of our dog’s nails can sometimes be an arduous task but it is a necessary one.
Bandit Stool trick
“Couldn’t I just sit here on this stool looking cute until you forget about that whole nail thing?”

If a dog’s nails grow too long, the nails push against the ground every time the dog puts weight on his or her feet which affects the movement of different joints by shifting the alignment of the leg bones and that can cause our dogs pain and lead to arthritis. It is hard to imagine that long nails can cause our dogs hip, knee, spinal pain and more, but it’s like that old song, “…shin bone connected to the knee bone…”

Sometimes our dogs allow nail trimming with little protest, but more often than not, if we have not trained our dogs to tolerate (and even love) nail clipping or dremmeling, they are only putting up with it.

“Love it?” You say?

Indeed. Before my fringy dog Pinball came along, all my dogs had their nails demmeled. They came running when they heard me taking out any power tool, disappointment showing on their faces when it wasn’t the Dremmel, but my saw or nail gun instead.

But, when it was Dremmel time, it was party time!

Because Pinball had such long fringe, I could not Dremmel his nails. The fringe from his tail got caught in the sanding drum early on in his nail dremmeling career, and that was enough for all of us. Instead, I had to clip his nails, which is not my favorite. I’ll admit it, I am a “quick wimp” and because of my fear of clipping his quick, I never cut too much away. This left his nails always a little too long.

It was time to teach him the sanding board.

Here is one of my favorite students, Bandit, taking care of his front nails himself on the sanding board. As you can see, he is enjoying himself.

“Nails part #2” will instruct you on how to build a sanding board.

“Nails part #3” will outline how to teach your dog to love sanding his or her own nails on your very own sanding board!

Stay tuned!


There are times like today when we have to say good bye to a friend and companion who leaves us way to early, just as life was opening up.

There are times in this life when we have to say good bye after a long and fully lived life… Then there are times like today when we have to say good bye to a friend and companion who leaves us way to early, as we did this morning with Shiloh.

Because of his infectious smile, Shiloh was a great photographic subject. Here are some of his greatest photo moments…

Shiloh recently turned six-years-old and in those years he worked as:

  • A Pet Partner therapy dog
  • Companion for the Ponti family
Service video

Chris’s service dog

Did you say, "Party animal?" Or, "Animal party?"

And, all around goof ball when his other duties would permit.

He was such a regular in the Distract O Doggie class that we will all feel the vacancy left without his smiling face and room filling joy.

As his trainer, I spent a lot of time with Shiloh and there were times that I could almost hear the words he wanted to say to me…

"Okay, lady, just tell me what I have to do for those hot dogs!!!
“Okay, lady, tell me what I gotta do for those hot dogs!!! Really, anything, just tell me.”

Goodbye, Shiloh. You are now free of pain, though we are not.

Please Don’t Bite the Baby Book Launch on November 7th

Lisa’s new book Please Don’t Bite The Baby launches Saturday November 7th at Byrd’s Books with a reading hosted by Byrd’s Books and DAWS..

PleaseDontBiteByrd’s Books in conjunction with DAWS (Danbury Animal Welfare Society) will be hosting a book launch for Please Don’t Bite the Baby on Saturday November 7th at 2:00 PM.

The event will be located at:

Byrd’s Books
126 Greenwood Avenue
Bethel, CT 06801.

There will be readings, tips for best dog/baby practices, books for sale and of course author signings. Attendees will also have a chance to support DAWS and contribute to sponsoring DAWS dogs for adoption.

Please Don’t Bite The Baby book launch on Thursday, October 29th!

Lisa’s new book Please Don’t Bite The Baby launches Thursday October 29th at the Ridgefield Library with a reading hosted by Books on the Common and ROAR.

PleaseDontBiteMark your calendars!

On Thursday October 29th Books on the Common in conjunction with ROAR (Ridgefield Operation for Animal Rescue) and the Ridgefield Library will be hosting a launch for my latest book Please Don’t Bite the Baby.

The night will include a talk with tips, readings, and – of course – books will be for sale and I will be signing your copies.

The event will be at the Ridgefield Library in the main program room at 472 Main Street, Ridgefield, CT 06877.

For more information, please see:

See you there!