
Ever wonder what our Puppy Pre-School class is like? Let these goofy pups show you what it’s all about!

Our puppy pre-school is a fantastic class, but it’s so much easier to show a video of what it’s all about rather than describe it in words.

Whenever I get a call from an owner with a new puppy in their house the conversation nearly always turns to me describing what the Three Dogs Training Puppy Pre-School is like.

I’ll step them through the incredible importance of early, positive socialization to puppies, how structured play and regular breaks in that play helps to form and cement a bond a trust between you and the new puppy, and walk them through the skills I teach in the class, but invariably that talk gets interrupted by the barking, crazy puppy on the other end of the line.

As I’ve said before, a picture – or movie! – is worth a thousand words on my part, so without further ado here’s the Three Dogs Training Puppy Pre-School as demonstrated by Bowie, Tucker, and our very own Pinball:

Let us know what you think!

Happy Holidays from Three Dogs Training!

From our family to yours, we wish you and all your furry little friends a happy and safe holiday season!

From our family to yours, we wish you and all your furry little friends a happy and safe holiday season!

All our holiday thanks from Lisa, Lawrence, Boo, Porthos, Pinball, and Freya too– our honorary dog in cat’s clothing.

Three Dogs Silly Holiday Photo Contest Winners!

The moment we’ve all been waiting for is here! Without further ado, the winners of our first annual Three Dogs Silly Holiday Photo contest.

The moment we’ve all been waiting for is now upon us!

Lawrence has been diligently collecting all the silly Holiday photo contest entries (and there were a lot!), sat me down to go through them all, and then told me who the winners were.

So, without further ado…

Our first Honorable Mention for Excellence in Being a Good Sport About It goes to Hunter:


Regular readers our our blog will remember that we’ve written quite a bit about Hunter in the past (here and here) and are just thrilled to see him in such a great home!

Our second Honorable Mention for Excellence in Being a Good Sport About It (and being cute as a bug) goes to Kya:

Kya-elf-christmas-1024x820Now the three finalists!

Our third-place winner is the The Traveling Peebuddies Christmas Tour (AKA Leon, Edna June, and the late Sancho singing his heart out):


Our second-place winner is Duke looking disturbingly happy with his Santa beard:


Finally, our first-place winner is Maggie, who shows us all – dog and human – that too much nog is never a good thing:


Congratulations to all our winners and thanks to everyone who entered!


Ever wonder what our Nose Work classes are like? Let Edna and Pi show you!

Nose work is a hugely popular, but it’s difficult to quickly explain what it’s all about so we made two movies to let Edna and Pi show you.

One of the most frequent inquiries I get is to explain what our nose work classes are all about.

Telling folks that it’s about building the drive to search for scent, creating targets that are smaller and smaller, or telling them that it’s about teaching the dog enough self-confidence to be able to work on their own with no direction from their owner typically doesn’t give them the answer that they’re looking for.

Falling back on the idea that a picture – or movie! – is worth a thousand words on my part, let’s have Edna and Pi show you what it’s all about.

A little bit of background: both Edna and Pi are in the Three Dogs Training Nose Work III class, and in these videos are looking for an anise-scented target that’s been concealed in a small plastic egg with a couple small holes drilled in it.



Let us know what you think!

How did Boo spend his day today?

A ton of visitors were at Three Dogs world headquarters today, all to see Boo! Fun was had by all and the day ended with Boo totally pooped.

Lots of activity at Three Dogs Training world headquarters today – and it’s all because of Boo (and Lisa)!

Visitors were up from New York City today, braving the wind, rain, traffic, and unseasonably warm temperatures to come all the way to Carmel just to see Boo.

And why were they here?

All the downstairs hallways filled with electronic equipment…


The dining room cleared out and blocked off by screens…


Behind the screens lighting equipment piled up to the ceiling…


It’s not boudoir photography – it’s Boo-doir photography!

We can’t say why they were here – yet, but soon! – but it was a blast having them here and Boo absolutely loved being the center of attention for the entire day!

By the end he was pooped and slept like a log, and I’ll bet dollars to donuts he was dreaming about spending the rest of his days as a supermodel.