
No Training in the Raining…

Current weather reports for tomorrow August 29, 2020, show 60% to 90% chance of thunderstorms and heavy winds.

It is prudent to cancel classes and plan our start date for this series on what would have been our second class – September 12th.

Because we typically meet in an area surrounded by trees (one of them already went down in the last hurricane from lightning) I can’t risk everyone’s safety.

I feel probably like you guys do, that all we have been doing this year is postponing things, but with a little luck, the rest of the class series will be good fall weather!!! 

If all NYS reopenings keep going well, I am hopeful we will be indoors before this class completes. Everyone keep those fingers and toes crossed!

Class dates will be as follows:
  • 9.12.20
  • 9.19.20
  • 9.26.20
  • 10.3.20
  • 10.10.20
  • 10.17.20
Stay safe and dry!

Three Dogs Training Fall 2020 classes

Fall 2020 classes now open for enrollment. Socialize your dog, socialize yourself.

Three Dogs Training class enrollment.

You know this dog has been in quarantine way too long!

Fall session starts August 29th. We will be skipping the Saturday of Labor Day (9.5.20)

  • Basic – 9:00 am
  • Distract O Doggie – 10:10 am
  • Intermediate – 11:20 am

For more information click here.

Due to Covid reopening restrictions we have the following guidelines
  • Classes are outdoors for now
    • We will not meet in inclement weather
  • Any postponed classes will be made up
  • All humans need to be wearing a mask 
  • We will be social distancing

Questions contact

Excerpts from Please Don’t Bite the Baby

Excerpts from “Please Don’t Bite the Baby, and Please Don’t Chase the Dogs,” by Lisa J Edwards on how to keep kids and dogs safe and together.

For excerpts from Please Don’t Bite the Baby, click here.

Please Don't Bite the Baby
Lisa is available for dog/baby/kid consultations remotely or in-person. Click here to contact her.

Or email

dog and baby safe together
Calm dog, happy baby.
To buy Please Don’t Bite the Baby and Please Don’t Chase the Dogs, click here

Marcello and Pax’e try to earn a little extra money during Covid-19 Quarantine.

Dog Cleaning Services available

We clean more than we shed

Pax’e was unable to get canine unemployment payments because I hired her as my editorial assistant. But I don’t pay well.

So, she and Marcello have joined the remote ‘gig economy’ and teamed up to start their own house cleaning service.

Pax’e sweeps in New York City while…

…Marcello holds the dust pan in Carmel, NY.

They have not figured out why their virtual cleaning service has not gotten off the ground.

They will eventually accept Paypal, Venmo, or Zelle.

But for now, they preferred to be paid in dog biscuits.

Smell the Roses?

Pax’e tries to make the best of out New York City spring in Central Park under the cherry blossoms.

We have all heard the saying, “Stop and smell the roses…”

It’s not an easy thing to do during Covid-19 quarantine. So, Pax’e tried to make the best out of New York City spring in Central Park.

Pax’e waxes poetic in canine haiku

Are these rose petals?
No, only cherry blossoms
and these will do. Woof!!!
Pax’e thinks pink is her color!