Bye Bye, Boo

On September 10, 2014 the final chapter in Boo’s long, courageous story came to a peaceful close surrounded by his loved ones.

On September 10, 2014 the final chapter of Boo’s story came to a close.

Lisa-and-BooIt is hard to write of something so painful as the loss of a beloved pet but the loss of Boo is not my own and that requires me to share his passing with all the people his spirit has touched. More than ten years of visiting children, seniors, adults with developmental disabilities and others makes it hard to count how many people loved him, but I know it was probably thousands.

Developmentally disabled with poor eyesight and an awkward gait, Boo was a trooper who was always game for a visit with anyone even in later years with his eyesight completely gone and arthritis making his bearing even more ungainly. Having overcome remarkable odds to be a therapy dog, Boo won the hearts of the people who knew him personally and those who read his story in A Dog Named Boo here and around the world. His fan club ranges from Russia, to South America, to Britain and back home. Boo was the clumsy black and white rescue dog who never wanted anything other than to say hello to and be loved by everyone he met (with some great butt scratches along the way) while reaching across physical limitations and political boundaries.

In both life and in death he teaches us that we are all better when we move through our days with patience, persistence and the understanding that perfect is not all it is cracked up to be—because sometimes it is in our imperfections where our greatest strengths lie.

In his work he brought joy to thousands, speech to Marc and Sister Jean, an understanding to my husband and me that we could be a family, and on the morning he left us he brought us one more gift. As our two-year-old son (who still only has only two or three reliable words and has yet to refer to anyone by name) brought all the pepperonis from his pizza-puzzle toy to Boo, who was resting on his big comfy chair, he pointed to Boo and said, “Boo” each time he tried to encourage Boo to eat the wooden pepperoni.

With this final act we knew Boo had made his mark on the little boy he had waited so long to have in his life and his job was done—he could rest without pain for the first time in a long time.

21 thoughts on “Bye Bye, Boo”

  1. Boo’s story is truly inspiring! Despite challenges, he brought love and comfort to so many people worldwide. His resilience and kindness remind us that love knows no boundaries. A true hero, Boo’s legacy continues to touch hearts everywhere. 🐾❤️ #InspiringDogs #UnconditionalLove #TherapyDog

  2. I just finished the book tonight and was wondering about BOO. So sorry to hear you and Lawrence have lost him, but as the “Rainbow Bridge” says, all those beautiful dogs and cats will be waiting for you.
    There is nothing as wonderful as rescuing orphans from a shelter.
    Again, sorry for you loss.

  3. We lost. Our 3 year old beagle Radar to a bad sickness. One of my favorite pics of him is him sitting all exposed with a smile. You are proof we can heal and be rescued by other living dogs.

  4. I just read your wonderful book, A Dog Named Boo, and was very moved by it. I am so sad to hear he is no longer with us, but his legacy will live on.

  5. Lisa I am currently visiting my sister in the US. While here I bought your book A Dog named Boo. I have been reading the book on and off as we travel around the US and am still reading it. I noticed your website on the back of the book so typed it into my iPad. I read just now that Boo has gone to Rainbow Bridge, he was such an amazing dog and you are an amazing person for all that you have done for dogs and children. Thank you so much for sharing your life with Boo. I will take the book back to Australia with me and I will recommend that all of my friends in dog rescue read it. Boo was an inspirational dog and I have and am still enjoying reading all about him. I rescue and rehome dogs in Sydney Australia so have a love for dogs, especially those who are not always perfect. Denise PAWS

  6. My heart has broken into about a million pieces! I picked up your book about a year ago, and would read it from time to time at lunch, or when I was able to keep my eyes open long enough in the evening to read a few pages. I had just finished the chapter on Boo Helps the Silent Little Boy, and something compelled me to go to your website to follow up on Boo’s story. When I saw Bye Bye Boo, I knew in my heart before even reading the blog that Boo had moved on from this world into the next chapter. I too have a little black dog, who we named Phoebe, but have always affectionately called her Boo.(this is what originally caught my eye when I saw the title of your book) She is a wonderful, happy, and loving spirit, and my heart is filled with joy having her in my life. No matter how terrible a day I may have, when I arrive at home and I am doused with cuddles, and snuggles and kisses, my bad day just melts away. I believe that your Boo brought you and your husband and all the lives he touched this same joy and comfort. I am always telling people that there is a reason why DOG is GOD spelled backwards. They give us unconditional love and really only expect very little in return. they don’t care if our hair isn’t perfect or if we didn’t brush our teeth that day. Just as long as they can be a part of our world, they are content. They bring so much more to the table, then we can ever give in return. Thank you for sharing your wonderful story, and thank you BOO for giving us a peek into your wonderful life. Thank you Lisa for sharing Boo’s life with us. Until we all meet again at the Rainbow Bridge!!
    God bless

  7. I was in Brighton, England 3 weeks ago and happened upon your book there in a local bookshop – why did I buy it? When I picked it up off the shelf I casually turned the pages and noted the reference to Carmel, New York which is in fact where we live (about 2 miles away from you). I thought that I needed something light to read on the flight back from London Heathrow to JFK so bought it and thus was introduced to Boo. I have to say that I was enthralled by your story of Boo and what a wonderful brave animal he was an how much good he achieved in this world of ours..
    Anyway, I casually went on line this afternoon to learn something about the author Lisa Edwards and lo and behold I read about Boo having died just 10 days ago.. I am not normally much of a sentimental person but I have to say that I was deeply touched to have been exposed to the life of Boo.
    So sorry about your loss…

  8. The tears that I am crying are so bitter sweet. Boo has given so much to everyone who met him, he was a silent teacher to us all and now his reward is to be pain free and see again. I learned about Boo from your book and classes and was lucky enough to have met him in a training class. I came away with such a respect for both of you and a life lesson that no matter how tough things are just keep putting one foot in front of the other. I send hugs to you and your family and hope that you can comfort yourself with the memories of Boo.

  9. On Nov.27, 2012 I was so honored to
    be at the at the Mahopac Library to see the
    two of you. As you both entered, the room
    seemed to light up. It was as if Timmy
    and Lassie had walked in. Toward the
    end of the night we all lingered not wanting
    to leave. Yes…. There is a place for all
    of us; we just have to keep looking
    for it.
    God bless you Lisa 🙂

  10. So sorry Lisa & family. Take comfort in you memories & know that he has touched so many lives. Even those who have never met him personally. Hugs.

  11. Though I never met Boo I know what a special dog he was just by listening to stories that Lisa would share during training classes. I am so sorry for yr loss Lisa as it was also so obvious how much love you held for Boo and what an amazing relationship he shared with you and so many others..

  12. Hi, I read your book about Boo and then Liked your FB page. I noticed I was not getting any updates from your page in all the months since so today I looked at your page and added it again and to my sadness I read this post about Boo. Why was I compelled to come to your page after so many months? I think this is Boo reaching out to everyone who was touched by his being including me. RIP Boo the Rainbow Bridge has called you so enjoy the green fields on the other side and have fun and games with all your new friends. I am happy to say that when my fur baby leaves this earth you will be waiting for him, welcoming him to his new home xxx Thanks Boo!

  13. I am so very sorry for your loss. Boo was a very special soul. Thank you for sharing his inspiring story with us. His memory will live on in the many hearts he touched.

  14. Beautiful. I’m now sitting here crying for the loss of Boo and for the gratitude for all he has done , for having the previldge of knowing him, and loving him. He will be missed.

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