A Dog Named Boo is now available on Google Books!

A Dog Named Boo is now available for ordering on Google Books!

We’re very happy to say that A Dog Named Boo is now available on Google Books!

Google Books is primarily focused on digital books, but if you love the feel of a real book in your hands there’s a bunch of links that show places you can order a hard copy!

Here’s a link!

Brodart reviewed A Dog Named Boo!

A Dog Named Boo by Lisa J. Edwards was reviewed by Brodart, the largest library supplier in the country. In short, they loved it!

It’s hard to believe that we’re only a month away from the publication of A Dog Named Boo, but when the reviews start appearing it really brings it home that the book is right on top of us.

The latest review that I’ve seen is from Brodart – the largest library supplier in the country.

In short, they love it!

Here’s an excerpt:

[quote]I was very moved by all the good Boo, along with Lisa, did for so many people. Much of this story takes place in the early 2000s, when research for the positive effect dogs can have in all kinds of situations was still new and limited, so it was interesting to watch people become believers simply by witnessing Boo’s remarkable work.[/quote]

[quote]Perhaps the best part of the book, for me anyway, was how inspired I felt after reading it (as nonfiction of this type should do to a reader). I desperately want to get Odin involved in some sort of animal assisted therapy or education, one because I know how much he would enjoy the attention, but also because I know that, like Boo, Odin’s charm could make someone with a terminal illness smile for the first time in days or relax a child nervous to be reading in front of a group.[/quote]

[quote]Add A Dog Named Boo to your shelves today, so animal lovers, animal trainers, and anyone interested in animal assisted therapy can read the story of this amazing dog who overcame all odds, plus changed the lives of so many, including his owners.[/quote]

A Dog Named Boo is also on Facebook – head on over and let Boo know how much you like him!

A Dog Named Boo will be on Wisconsin Public Radio!

A Dog Named Boo by Lisa J. Edwards will be featured on Wisconsin Public Radio’s Chapter A Day program!

I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to say that A Dog Named Boo will be featured on Wisconsin Public Radio‘s Chapter A Day program.

If you’re not familiar with Chapter A Day, here’s a synopsis from WPR:

In the 1990s, publishers finally discovered what Chapter a Day listeners have known for decades — everyone loves to be read to.

Chapter a Day brings the best books to radio, read by professional radio performers who have learned to establish a bond between the writer and the listener. They are read in half-hour installments, finishing a book in ten or more readings.

The books have ranged from best-sellers such as Jacqueline Mitchard’s Deep End of the Ocean, Tom Wolfe’s Bonfire of the Vanities and Anne Tyler’s Ladder of Years, to literary gems like Howard Owens’ Littlejohn to non-fiction masterpieces like Stephen Ambrose’s Undaunted Courage and Joseph Ellis’ American Sphinx.

Listeners have enjoyed hundreds of books on Chapter a Day, catching up on the latest books while rediscovering the essential pleasure – the joy of being read to.

Once the broadcast schedule is provided to us I’ll let everyone know!

The Kindle version of A Dog Named Boo is now available for pre-order!

The Kindle version of A Dog Named Boo by Lisa J. Edwards and due in October 2012 from Harlequin Nonfiction is now available to pre-order!

It’s taken a while but Amazon finally has the Kindle version of A Dog Named Boo available for pre-order!

Lawrence is the Kindle-lover in our home – and for my part I’ll always prefer holding a real book – but at least now all our bases are covered!

Here’s a link!

A Dog Named Boo has been named one of the Top Ten Memoirs of 2012 by Publisher’s Weekly! (And Boo’s got his own website, too!)

A Dog Named Boo has been named one of the Top Ten Memoirs of 2012 by Publisher’s Weekly – and we gave the book its own website to celebrate!

Things has been super busy here all Summer but I wanted to take a moment to say that I am pleased, proud, and a bit humbled that Publisher’s Weekly has named A Dog Named Boo one of the Top Ten Memoirs of 2012!

A tremendous amount of effort went into writing A Dog Named Boo and it’s extremely gratifying to have that work acknowledged on such a high level in such a competitive market!

(If you’ve never heard of Publisher’s Weekly, it is to book publishing as Variety is to show business.)

As we get closer and closer to the release date for A Dog Named Boo there will be a ton of stuff coming down the pike – so much so that we’ve decided to give the book it’s own website!

For the past couple of weeks Lawrence has been busy putting the new website together behind the scenes and now it’s ready for its debut – I’m really happy with what he put together and hope you will be, too!

Head on over and check it out:  www.adognamedboo.com.

Please don’t forget to like it on Facebook too!