After rescuing an extremely terrified dog, we had great concern over Mr. Pip’s behaviors and needed guidance to work through them.
Your assessment and the email with all the techniques helped us remain on target.
Category: Testimonials
Lisa Edwards is the quintessential dog trainer. Remy and I have learned so much from her in the two years we have been working with her. Training sessions are so purposeful. Canine socialization is fun.
Thank you Lisa for your patience with Onyx. She has grown into a playful sweet young lady. She still knows when I say “so sorry” with the treat behind my back, she needs to sit, paw & kiss. Keep in touch and I will recommend you to dog owners.
Antionette D.
Sadie and Georgia
Although my dogs and I have not been part of your classes for awhile, I owe you a debt of gratitude for the wonderful job you did training Sadie and Georgia.
Thank you from all the dogs you have loved
Carol S.
Susan and Salty Dog

Lisa –
Your skill and kindness literally changed my life and the lives of Johnny and Salty.
I could never thank you enough and wish you happiness always
Susan and Salty Dog