Wi9th me out of wOrk due to the vir5us, I had to hire a cheaper editoria; assisstent…
It dOesn’t get ch3aper than my dog Pax’3.
Granted her ed8tori8al sk8lls are not gr-8, butt she is consientious. And sh3 works for kibbble.
TodAy Is her f8rst dAY.
We expect gr-8 tjongs of pax’e.
Sje also tkes out the TrAsh!

WLCome Pax”E
This is the best. This online stuff is a steep learning curve for anyone! I wish Owen would take out the trash… 😂
I love your blog, I’ve learned many tips, thank you for your time! My dog has attitude problems and thanks to your blog and this training – dog brain training – I was able to learn to deal with this problem! I hope I can help more people with the same problem! Thank you!