Three Dogs Training class enrollment.

Summer session starts Saturday July 9th, 2022.
- Basic – 9:00 am
- Distract O Doggie – 10:10 am
- Intermediate – 11:20 am
For more information:
click here or contact
Teaching Manners, Behaviors, and Relationships
Three Dogs Training class enrollment.
For more information:
click here or contact
Spring session starts Saturday May 14th, 2022.
For more information:
click here or contact
This a wonderful show (not just because they like me) but because Dr. Adams and his guests address a variety of pet-related topics that help us take care of the pets that make our lives better.
Pets and Your Health broadcasts live this Tuesday January 4, 2022 at 6AM, and again rebroadcasts later that day at 4pm.
If your dog gets you up this early for that pre-dawn walk, tune us in – Channel 110, SiriusXM.
If you are luck enough to sleep in, you can always stream this episode and others on SiriusXM Doctor Radio..
Fall 2020 classes now open for enrollment. Socialize your dog, socialize yourself.
Three Dogs Training class enrollment.
Fall session starts August 29th. We will be skipping the Saturday of Labor Day (9.5.20)
For more information click here.
Questions contact
Teaching our dogs how to be happy on the other side of a gate or in their crate is pretty easy but will take a bit of attention and training.
In a crate or behind a baby gate is a lovely and secure place for dogs to spend time when you’re not at home or you can’t be watching them because you’re in the shower, taking care of a baby, or busy making dinner, just to name a few.
The techniques in the excerpt below will apply to crate and gate training equally. Whether you are crating for puppy potty and house manners, or gating so you dog can see your baby having floor time, the process will be the same.
Behind the gate or in the crate should be a safe place where your dog is not disturbed and where they can have fun with wonderful safe things like – toys, food, treats, a kong, a bone, and more. Remember if crating for puppy potty training, the size of the crate should be large enough for your pup to turn around, lie down, and stand up without crouching. More on puppy potty and manners in the Puppy 101 series.
Pinball getting sleepy in his crate.
If your dog hurts himself in the crate you will want to try to build happy crate time following the steps above but at a much slower pace and only for occasional use. While you may not envision putting your dog in a crate regularly, there are situations in addition to management that will call for your dog to have crate time, such as: the dog is lost and taken in by Animal Control, or the dog is injured or must undergo surgery that requires them to be crate-rested for a period of time. If your dog finds himself in either of these situations and is unhappy in the crate, he will be extremely stressed and may hurt himself while crated and his crate fears will only increase. If your dog simply cannot adjust to a crate, do not force the issue.